BBA Inclement Weather Closure!!!
Due to continuous ice storm warnings and treacherous road conditions, the Black Business Association of Memphis offices located at 480 Dr. M.L.K Jr. will be closed for walk-ins. If you need immediate assistance, you may contact us via email at info@bbamemphis.com. We...
BBA Member Spotlight: CathyBraidz
BBA Member Spotlight: Cathy_Braidz – Specializing in healthy, beautiful hair and positive hair experiences! Check her out and make an appointment today: cathybraidz.com #bbamemphis #bbafreshfinds #nationalblkbiz #NationalBlackBusinessMonth #SupportSmallBusiness...
August is National Black Business Month
August is National Black Business Month, take a moment to recognize our community’s Black-owned businesses!! Nationwide, these businesses employ more than 3.5 million people! #BlackOwnedBusiness #bbamemphis #nationalblackbusinessmonth #supportblackbusinessCOMCAST RISE grant!!
GRANT OPPORTUNITY! Apply Today! Comcast has made a multi-year commitment to provide marketing, creative, media, and technology services to small businesses owned by people of color or women. Please click the link below to learn more and apply!! NOTE: There are...